We cooperate with Croatian Agency for mobility and EU programs on education of European Solidarity Corps participants.
We deliver training courses to volunteers, youth workers, teachers and other groups with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities or NEET (Not in education, employement or training) group.
We are putting effort in promoting digital youth work and setting up a common understanding of methods and policies supporting learning through and with technology among youngsters.
Click here to download our guide on how to develop online courses in youth work. This handbook was made as a part of the project “Education and youth work for social entrepreneurship with and for immigrants and asylum seekers”, funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive (EACEA), within the Erasmus+ program.
We, together with our partners, publish several booklets and toolkits on a yearly basis. Those publications serve for other youth work professionals and peer educators in improving the quality of their work. Click here to access Resources.